Let's talk aboutDandruff & Genetics
Wondering why you sometimes see white flakes flying off your hair? Get to the root of what can cause dandruff.
How it works
Dandruff is a common skin condition characterized by flaking of the skin on the scalp.
The genetic link
Scientists at 23andMe identified 487 genetic markers that are associated with dandruff. In addition to genetics, other factors like age, sex, and ancestry can also influence your chances of getting dandruff. For example, from 23andMe consented research participants, males are more likely than females to report that they have had dandruff.

Did you know?
One possible cause of dandruff may be a negative reaction to microbes living on the skin. Just like inside your gut, microbes also live on your scalp. For some people, these microbes may trigger immune reactions that cause the skin cells to rapidly divide and flake off, forming dandruff. Scientists aren’t sure why some people are sensitive to these microbes and others aren’t, but genetics may play a role.
Explore more
Curious what your genes say about dandruff? 23andMe can tell you whether you’re more likely to get dandruff based on your genetics and other factors. Try one of our services to learn more.

Health + Ancestry Service
Turner GA et al. (2012). “Stratum corneum dysfunction in dandruff.” Int J Cosmet Sci. 34(4):298-306.