23andMe Carrier Status Tests:
What you should know

Should you speak to a genetic counselor?

We encourage you to learn more so you can decide whether testing is right for you. A genetic counselor, a healthcare professional with special training in genetic conditions, will be able to answer your specific questions and help you make an informed decision.

sample questions to discuss with a genetic counselor:

What are the risks and benefits of testing for carrier status? What are you hoping to find out from genetic testing? Are there diseases that run in your family?
  • 0 Variants

    You do not have the variant(s) we tested. There is still a chance that you could have a variant not covered by this test.
  • 1 Variant**

    You are a carrier and could pass the variant on to each of your children.
  • 2 Variants***

    You will most likely pass a variant on to each of your children.
  • Result not determined

    Your result could not be determined.

* For some reports, a customer may receive a result indicating that they have two copies of a variant. In these cases, the customer will pass a variant on to each of his or her children.

** For some reports, customers with one copy of a variant will also be told that they are at risk for developing symptoms of the condition.

*** For some reports, customers with two variants (or two copies of a variant) will also be told that they are at risk for developing symptoms of the condition.

Have a family history of a genetic condition? Planning to have children?

  • Share your results with your doctor and discuss further testing options.
  • You can also discuss your results with your healthcare provider or a genetic counselor.

Consider sharing your results with relatives.

  • Your information – as well as knowing their own carrier status – may be useful to them.

What to know about: 

ARSACS and our test

ARSACS is a rare genetic disorder characterized by loss of sensation and muscle control, as well as muscle stiffness that worsens over time. A person must have two variants in the SACS gene in order to have this condition.

Typical signs and symptoms

  • Muscle stiffness that worsens over time
  • Loss of sensation in hands and feet that worsens over time
  • Impaired movement and balance that worsens over time

When symptoms develop

Symptoms typically develop during early childhood.

How it's treated

There is currently no known cure. Treatment focuses on managing symptoms and providing supportive care through speech, physical, and occupational therapy.

What do we test?

1 variant in the SACS gene.

  • There are currently no professional guidelines in the U.S. for carrier testing for this condition.

Relevant ethnicities

  • This test is most relevant for people of French Canadian descent.

Test performance summary

Accuracy was determined by comparing results from this test with results from sequencing. Greater than 99% of test results were correct. While unlikely, this test may provide false positive or false negative results. For more details on the analytical performance of this test, refer to the package insert.